Monday, July 18, 2011

family reunion in Nashville

Last, last weekend was the White family reunion, and for the first time ever, it was held in Nashville, TN. From our house, the drive takes about 6.5 hours not counting necessary stops due to small people. Impressively, we took only 4.5 stops (once for gas while the girls slept) on the round trip. Somehow, we have kids that don't mind travel and sleep well at night.

Though Clara does travel well, even she can't just stare out the window watching mile after mile of corn fields pass by. So we let her play with the camera. I deleted about 80 photos of her eyeball from too close up (looking through the lens instead of the finder. Oh well, at least she knows how to turn it on and how to push the picture taking button). Here is one of her better self portraits.
We had a crew of 23 people (I think) hanging out at grandma and grandpa's house. Pretty good representation given that most of the family lives in MI. We took a trip to the zoo on Friday, but spent most of the remaining time playing games indoors. It was hot.
Jill and Christina and kids take a break from the cool air conditioning to hang out on the porch like in the old timey south.
Matt's ministry (Ultimate Goal) is allowed to use a repurposed building for indoor soccer. A local church bought out an abandoned strip mall but is not yet able to fill the whole place. So they offered to let UG use it for a nominal fee. Since we're all in good with UG, the family got to try it out. We played some basketball and wiffle ball in the huge room.
Grandparents' house is within walking distance J Percy Priest Reservoir.
The Smith family portrait, from our small camera.

1 comment:

Marianne said...

Love Clara's self-portrait. :) Looks like fun times.