Sunday, October 12, 2008

weekend watching wee ones

A buddy from church got married in Oregon this weekend. Another family with 5 kids wanted to attend this wedding, but flying that many kids is awfully expensive. Enter Chad and Jill, substitute parents at the ready. The real parents spent a nice weekend where the grass and trees are green. Sub parents took over the house on Friday through Sunday afternoon.

Some might argue that taking care of 5 kids is a huge deal. I say the more the merrier, when the kids are fun and very well-behaved. We played soccer, freeze tag, and monkey (like Marco polo, but on the playground equipment. I had to be It first without good knowledge of the equipment -- thankfully, I managed to not bang my head or fall to my doom before tagging someone. And, no, I didn't cheat.). We rode bikes, scooters, and footboards. We played Wii and watched 'Annie' and some football. We played racquetball. We went to church and stayed for the church lunch.

Here are two nice advantages we had as subs. First, the kids behaved super well. They get along well and like to play with each other (and let me play too). Real parents have to work hard to encourage such good behavior, we just enjoyed the results. Second, the parents stocked up on food, including dinners and lunches that we just had to heat up. So pretty much it was a short vacation for us too.

Sadly, we forgot our camera for the first day, so we don't have many photos.

Astute readers might notice the hand near my hip. It's Dad's. I admit that I played a little more Wii after Mom and Dad got home. But I was invited to do so. Really!

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