Despite our infrequent travel to CA and our notoriously poor keeping-in-communication skills (thinking of you guys in New Mexico, or not currently in NM as the case is with several of you), I'm happy to report that we had some fine visits with old friends.
2 thoughts from these visits.
1. Friends are generally quite happy to see you again despite long periods of no contact.
2. All friends we visited are married with kids. What's strange to me is how normal this felt. How hard is it to find a good person to marry? How hard is it to have and then raise children? Somehow, we all ended up in about the same place. **
Fred and Judy's family (not shown), friends from college, are still lighting up the Bay Area. Kenn and his wife Anne and baby joined us for dinner as well.
** We do have friends in other conditions: single, widowed, divorced, and married w/o kids. We just didn't happen to visit them on this trip.
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