On my free Friday, when Chad's not off work, I often go adventuring. Last Friday's trip was a city ride to the Rio Grande (known in Spanish as the Rio Bravo, probably because "big river" is kindof a dumb name).

One new-to-me challenge of Big City riding is getting over or under freeways. I-40, by running diagonally, tries to trick bikers into pointlessly crossing and re-crossing it. But I was able to outwit the interstate with the help of the city of Albuquerque's excellent
bicycle map. The city also provides, in some places, these super-cool pedestrian/bike overpasses. The approach to this one is through a golf course.
I always take along a book or two and stop for a long lunch-and-reading break. On Friday, it was a burrito and
The History of the Peloponnesian War. I'm reading through the St. John's College
reading list, and right now I'm going back and forth between Thucydides (the war book) and Plato. War is pretty boring compared with philosophy.
When I came out of the burrito shop, I interrupted two sweet rides exchanging pleasantries.
One of the reasons I went to the river was to check out a farm called Los Poblanos Organics, headquarters of a food co-op we just joined (thank you to our new friends, Summer and Oliver, who recommended it!). They bring us treasure boxes full of produce every other week.

Their driveway's very pretty, and that's as far as I got since I hadn't made an appointment. But when I volunteer for their work-on-the-farm-and-get-a-discount program, I bet they'll let me in then.

So instead I visited the Rio Grand Nature Preserve, a good place for bird and turtle w