The time was about 6pm, and I was riding in shorts and short sleeves. I love spring!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
steepest in town
The time was about 6pm, and I was riding in shorts and short sleeves. I love spring!
Friday, March 28, 2008
Birth Days and Resurrection Day
Just before Easter, our new nephew Enoch was born. His big brother doesn't know quite what to make of him yet. We're looking forward to seeing these boys and their mom and dad next week.

Sunday, March 16, 2008
A ride with some virtual friends
Dr. Moscaline won the award for largest distance traveled to do the ride, coming all the way from Los Alamos.
Maybe the next NM i-BOB ride will be in Santa Fe. And maybe some womens like Jill will be there.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
The Oswego Prefers . . .
"H. M. B. Oswego" is the christened name of an orange bicycle that was once baby blue. It's named after a town in northern Indiana where there's a great church called Calvary Baptist. The Oswego has definite opinions. It prefers to be equipped with fenders and a generator hub. It likes to climb hills in a really, really low gear. And it loves the Annapolis Tea Company at the corner of Candelaria and Menaul. This is not just a place for girls and their bikes. Boys and their bikes like it too. A boy I know pretty well says this place makes him loquacious.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Aint no reason
However, recently I was struck while listening to a song by Brett Dennen called 'Aint no reason'. I assumed that the singer was a woman because the singing is reminiscent of Tracy Chapman. Surprise, Brett is a red headed man!
The music sounds disjointed, and the lyrics are sung/wispered in a choppy manner, but they mesh well. It's feel is very sombre, but the lyrics are hopeful, longing for a better world.
Finally, Mr. Dennen is a true hippy. Free love and dope can stay in the past, but I can stand up for the notion that freedom comes not from our bombs and bullets but from love. You might not like him if you're a rightwingneoconfascistrepuliconeoliberalcorporatelovingdemocrat. But you're still alright with me.
Peace and love to all the sisters and brothers.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
On trails
Well, on Saturday we met up with a group of friends to ride on the Bosque Trail which runs adjacent to the Rio Grande in the north-south direction. The start of the trail is at Alameda Rd, a very difficult place to get to using city roads on a bike. So we took the N Diversion Trail from Comanche and followed Ryan, who we unexpectedly met on the trail, along a very confusing route to the Bosque Trail.
At the rendezvous point, the three of us chatted with another lady and her son until the other two friends with a daughter showed up. Neither the son or daughter ride much, so the plan was to ride along the Bosque for a while and turn around. Well, those troopers made it approx 10 miles to the downtown Flying Star. After eating lunch and a chocolate croissant, Jill and I decided to ride home via city roads rather than ride with the gang back to their cars. Hopefully the kids made it all the way back. Moreso, I hope that they want to ride bikes again despite feeling tired and having sore tushkees. Before parting ways, we all rode to the El Rey Theatre to see the damage from a recent fire.
While riding home on a typical Jill and Chad road (either has a bike lane or very little traffic -- these roads are marked very nicely on the Abq bicycle map available at any bike shop for free), we discussed the difference between trails and city roads. Our friend A likes the trails because they're away from cars and the busy urban life. We dislike the trails for that very reason. When riding on roads, we can see interesting restaurants and stores and people just doing their normal business. We like to ride through neighborhoods to see the houses and discuss what we like about the neighborhoods. We have to be wary of cars, but the bike paths, especially on Saturdays scare us in a different way. People ride or walk at a wide range of speeds, from the Tour de MUT cycling heroes to women walking 3 abreast. I felt especially tense with the young people due to their lack of attentiveness and bike handling skills as we passed walkers or heroes raced at us in the opposite direction. Finally, the trails tend to follow crooked arroyos or rivers and don't provide many landmarks to denote location.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
35 degree swings
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Fed's money
Speaking of money and the Feds, Jill and I have been trying to figure out what to do with our 'rebate' coming soon from them. My feelings about the rebate are pretty much inline with Tarik's (see latest Moscaline post, but only if you don't mind reading potty words). That is, the government shouldn't give away money that it does not have. We've come to the conclusion that we don't want the rebate and are looking for a good cause. Jill nixed my idea of burning the check Yippie-style outside the capital building in Santa Fe. Anyone have any good ideas?
This was a strange weekend. Yesterday's high was 66 degrees, and I wore shorts for the first time this year. Today, the ride to church was balmy, and then we almost froze solid on the ride home. An inch of snow is forecast for tonight.
We watched our buddy C's soccer team win 1-0 on the very lovely Sat afternoon. No one is wearing shorts today.
Bike news: I rode to Oak Flats and back yesterday at a moderately fast pace. I'm feeling pretty good about my fitness. After many more long rides and Reaper Rides, I'll be ready to finish mid-pack at some upcoming races. I also changed my saddle on the commuter/ sport tourer / fun bike back to my old Brooks Professional. It was originally a present to myself for passing the preliminary exam in grad school. Since then, I've had a love/hate relationship with it. The main problem is pushing it far enough back to be comfortable. My Bianchi seatpost allows a whopping 1/4" more setback than my other post, so it might stay awhile. That means, for now, I'll be riding in style.
Finally, I felt like quitting my job on Thursday. For now, I'm glad that I didn't.