The 3 of us came home from the hospital on Wed. Clara seems to be at peace wherever she is, thankfully.
In my email announcements and last post, I wrote that Jill was doing well or recovering fine. This needs qualification. I should have said, Jill is doing well considering she just had the most painful experience humanly possible. When required she can walk, albeit very slowly. Sitting is not fun.
A few other loose ends should be tied up. First, Leigh Ann was the birthday prediction winner (I was off by 3 1/2 hours). The prize might be a crocheted hat. We'll be in touch, Leigh Ann.
Second, Clara's middle name is Jet. We thought you all might like to be surprised or that you would hate it. For those of the latter persuasion, it's official so there's no changing it :) Jill's favorite name initially was Clara Jane, but that sounds too Victorian for me. I think Jet has just enough edge to balance the very sweet first name.
Finally, we are overwhelmed by the many well wishes, prayers, kind thoughts, visits, notes, and gifts that so many of you have done for us. Thank you from the bottom of our overly full hearts.

My emotions have surprised me during the first 4 days. When she first appeared, I was surprised how little fondness I felt towards her. But now I'm completely smitten. When she looks at me, my heart surges to my throat. I'm in love.

Despite the bland background, I love this photo. Jill continues to be this happy.

Grandpa S is quite pleased with his first granddaughter.

Our first family portrait before our first walk around the block.