A sure sign that a long weekend is going badly is when 'I'd rather be at work' comes to mind. I thought this multiple times on Monday when Clara was screaming at me.
Clara picked up a cold (maybe her second ever, easily the worst. She had a runny nose and a cough). Instead of enjoying play time by herself, she had to be held every waking minute. No problem, except that I'm not allowed to sit while holding her. There was much yelling.
I felt mediocre to lousy all weekend. I didn't have Clara's symptoms. Mostly I felt tired and lethargic (a 3 day weekend without any fun bike rides).
Jill had the worst of everything. She had Clara's cold. She vomited thoughout Sunday night and Monday morning. She's ~ 33 weeks pregnant. On Sat she felt bad. Sunday she felt terrible. Monday she didn't eat anything and barely moved. Except she did have to move on Mon because the insulation guys called at 8:00 wanting to come at 9:30. The access to the crawl space is in our closet. Occasionally I checked to make sure she was still breathing.
I hoped to go to work today (Tues) to take a break from the madness. Jill couldn't do anything again. So I got a 4 day weekend. Mercifully, Clara started to feel better this evening.
Enough of the lowlights. Clara has found a new way to eat bananas. We're so proud!

The previous owners of this house left us a pile of wood that I gave to my co-worker and this fine wagon. We dusted it off and tried it out this weekend. Clara enjoyed!

The insulation guys finished the house today. We now have 9" more insulation in the attic, and our previously vented crawl space is now sealed and insulated. If I had a larger fortune, I would replace the windows, but for now I'm quite happy.
And Lord willing, I will be going to work tomorrow. Huzzah!