The fun train has slowed just enough for me to get my bearings and report on the goings on.
We took another trip to Warsaw this weekend to be a part of the surprise 25th anniversary of Grandpa S's pastorate at Calvary Baptist Church. That's no exaggeration, he has been the head (and for many years only) pastor at the same church for 25 years. Quite an achievement for both the pastor and the membership! During those 25 years, I have been a regular attender of 10 different churches, 2 of which no longer exist.
Speaking of churches, friends from our church in Abq sent a shower-in-a-box for Clara. She loved it!

October was wet, so November started off gloriously. Jill toted the baby around the local golf course after we got flu mists/shots and got baby checked out. She is 50th percentile in height and 25-50th in weight.

Much family converged on Warsaw for the anniversary weekend. Cousins are huger than Clara. Ricky reported to Papi that Clara hit him. Papi was skeptical. So I will train her to hit them both for real later.

I fear the consequences of not showing the 3rd sister of Grandma S holding the baby. Aunt Jan!

Clara continues to impress us. On Sunday night, she slept 7 straight hours, and she did it again on Mon night. She's looking intently at toys. She and I had a good conversation tonight:
Me: At work today, blah blah blah .....
Clara: ooooooo!
Me: And then ....
Clara: aaaaayyyyyyiiiii!
Me: I love you!
Clara: eeeeeeeeee!