As an added bonus, great-aunts, -uncles, and -grandma drove down from MI to see the baby. The baby did not disappoint. Mom and dad didn't have much baby holding time this weekend, except for the late, late shift.
Great-aunt Jo has some good skills -- we learned bobbling from her, a bouncy-patting-making baby happy shuffle.
Big great-uncles still remember baby handling skills.
4 generations together. Great-grandma -> 2nd daughter -> 1st daughter -> 1st daughter. Good heritage!
Grandpa remains fond of the baby. Also note the Illini jersey! Cousins are coming from MI this weekend to watch the IL-MI football match on Halloween. The team with the most orange should win!
Despite the seemingly unending rain this month, we've had a number of beautiful days, as suggested by this photo. The falls colors brighten the many grey days.
Grandpa and grandma's church put on an open house to welcome the baby. She drew a lot of attention.
Good ole friends stopped by to say hello.
Many of the people we saw over the weekend had been asking God to send us a kid for a very long time. Suddenly, we have Clara, and we are overjoyed to introduce her. It's a faith becomes sight moment.
P.S. Apologies to those whose photo does not appear in this post. If you complain enough, we'll put you in a later post.