Furniture is not just for sitting!

Much silliness!

Quite a full 5 days, and we really enjoyed it. The kids are remarkably well-behaved. They played with each other very well, helped cook, and laughed and laughed. And we didn't have any injuries!
Uncle Don and Aunt Barb stopped by on Saturday night. We had a nice time eating pizza, watching a show put on by the kids, and then watching Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang. Following the movie, the kids had a great number of questions (e.g., why did the lady keep driving her car into the pond? Why were the kids hiding under the castle? Do you think the mean guy with the funny nose is real?) Thankfully both Jill and I watched carefully.
By the way, the Balloon Fiesta just happened. Pretty cool to see so many balloons on my way to work in the morning. Of course, they were much further away than this picture (not taken by us).