Is it just me, or do most people try to increase the 'epicness' of all outdoor activities? As an example, I was talking to a small group of friends recently that don't ride bikes often (some at all). We agreed that we should all do a ride together. Then someone says lets do a century (100 miles) or says let's climb the Crest (5500 feet of climbing in 13 miles). Um, those rides are really hard! How about let's ride to an ice cream shop? Then we can think about doing something more challenging.
Certainly, we've done our share of pushing ourselves to the limit with some long, hard bike rides and some long hikes. But how's this for epic? Ride with 4 friends to a softball game,

then ride to a restaurant for dinner, and then watch a movie in 3D. A brief review: Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D was a good time. As buddy Luke says, Brendan Fraser is the new king of the B movies.

And guess what? It was dark after the movie, and it rained just as we got to the restaurant. No problem, we have fenders and just turned on our lights for the ride home. Our de-epicification: let's do normal fun stuff but without a car!