But what goes on during an ordinary day in this small family of ours? I'm glad you want to know.
Let's begin with morning, which starts between 7:10 and 7:30 am. Either the alarm or Clara wakes me up. I pick her up and change her diaper, then make my lunch, eat breakfast (sometimes alone, sometimes with Jill), do some personal hygiene, kiss the gals, and head for work.
I get home from work around 5:30. Now it's play time with baby while Jill cooks dinner. We're about to eat, and baby starts crying. We ignore crying, crying increases. Hold baby, feed baby, baby is now happy and sleeps for about 10 minutes. After we all eat, I read, write a blog, watch 'Chuck', work on bikes, or just collapse on the floor. Baby cycles through a rotation of jumpy chair, rolling on the floor, being held while yelling or smiling. Wow, is it 10:00 already? Dishes might not get done tonight. Feed baby for a top-off. Please go to sleep, baby. Jammie time, some crying, hold the baby, no crying. Finally asleep, or more crying. I sleep.
Jill will have to fill in the details of what I miss while working, but it seems that much fun happens. With the balmy weather this week, Clara got to play in the park. She loved swinging for the first time.
Jill's last Christmas gift came today, an electric piano. She hasn't played much since giving up lessons in her youth, but said that what she knew is coming back. Higher culture, here we come.
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