The final gifts that Santa brought us this year were new headlights for the bikes. We have generators located inside the front hub (Shimano DN-72, for those in the know) and had been using halogen headlights for the past several years. The halogen lights work quite well.
Photos of the beam patterns are poor because it was about 10 degrees and only mostly dark (I would have taken photos on an unlit road, but I feared dropping the camera en route.), and possibly icy when I took them. Anyway, here's the halogen beam on the wet/icy, somewhat lit road.
In baby news, Clara just keeps getting cuter. She is interacting much more with us as well as some toys. And she can now do (make? bubble? blurb?) raspberries. On the other hand, she doesn't always sleep through the night lately, screaming for milk after about 4-6 hours of sleep.
With a face like that, we can't get too upset, can we?
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