We are pregnant! It's a little hard to see 'Little Yimmy' in the images below, but trust us, he/she is hanging out in there. Expected arrival is early September.

We are very excited about this, Lord willing, new addition to our family. The timing of it strikes me as amusing -- we had strongly considered working at a boys' home, we had gone through the training for foster parenting, we found a good amount of joy in our lives-as-they-were. But we're always up for new adventure.

In other local news, it rained for the first time in '09 today, okay, drizzled is more accurate.
yay!! congratulations!!
AAAAAAH! How exciting! Jill, on Sunday when you and Chad were coming into church I thought "Jill looks so pretty today." I think that a lot, but now I know Sunday I must have been seeing that expectant mommy glow. Congratulations on such wonderful news!
Oh wow! That is very exciting. I have a huge amount of respect for your joy in life as it is -- the both of you. A new adventure sounds like fun too. :)
YAY!!! Little Yimmy is outed!!! and rain is good!
Congratulations , another covenant child for our church to love.
Now we add to our prayers, praises.
Woooooooooooo! Congrats!
WOOHOOO!!!! (And that's a just a tiny imitation of the sound I actually made when I read the news)! My neighbors will probably be over in a moment to make sure I'm OK, and I AM!!! Very OK! And very excited! Yay-yay-yay! An answer to many persistent prayers. =)
Wowwowowowowowowow! That was the biggest surprise/most exciting blog post I have ever read! So, so happy for you--tears and chills people! That is awesome!
Plus I have to say I'm happy someone else at church is on the baby bus!
We are so excited about little Yimmy and will be keeping all 3 of you in our prayers!
I'm so happy for u both! Overjoyed is more like it. God bless u with health and praise! Love, Marchelle
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !!
The Pods
ps - I thought (before I read the caption) the photo of Jill looking up was her reaction to the pregnancy.
Thanks, guys! We're quite excited here, and very happy not to have a secret anymore!
Love you all!
Congratulations! I am so happy for you guys
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