I attended gigantic universities for my degrees, so I have learned much from my two campus interviews at small universities. First, they seem to value teaching more than the big schools, so professors tend to do more teaching (3 vs 1 class per semester). They also like to point out that freshman and sophomore classes are small, with maybe 25 students max per class. At Berkeley, there were about 1500 students in chemistry 1A. Second, though they value teaching, tenure decisions are primarily judged on research activities. This is strange if you ask me.
Fort Wayne is about 45 minutes from Warsaw, home of Jill's parents, so we spent our free time with them. They also drove us to the airport at 5:30 am on Sunday. Big thanks for that!
Jill's best friend from high school, Julie, and her husband Stan are back in IN for now. We're in similar uncertain job situations, but that's not making us frown.