Sunday, August 5, 2012

always looking

Unless something of a minor miracle happens within the next 4 months, I will be on the job market by the end of the year.  My supervisor and I are waiting to hear back on a couple of proposals and a current very small project could possibly be extended to a much larger effort.  I'd guess the odds for any of those things happening are about 5% at most.  This is rather frustrating, but I'm resolving to stiffen the upper lip, as Bertie Wooster would say.  

I'm beginning to think of myself as a freelance engineer.  Is that an oxymoron?
This summer has been absurdly dry.  A few weeks ago we visited Kickapoo and played in the Middle Fork.  Normally, one would see canoes paddling along the river, but no one was out there.  If they tried, there would be more portaging that paddling.
 But for little and big kids alike, the river still offers much fun.  Fish seem to be stuck in the deeper sections of water, so they are easy to spot and chase.  And dam building is always a good time.
We are hoping to get Clara potty trained before preschool starts (she'll start right after her 3rd birthday), but she is not interested.
Janny's teeth are coming in fast and furious lately, and she has frequently been furious as a result.  Or maybe it's because Clara keeps stealing her toys.  She has lots of words now, but her favorite is 'no', which sounds more like 'noooooooh'.  My favorites are momma and dadda.  She has a special way of saying Clara, but I can't quite parse it out.
On Friday night, we went to the outdoor summer concert to hear the Giving Tree Band (whose CDs are made from recycled stuff and inks are natural or something).  They were great.  Jill and Clara had a blast dancing with the big crowd in front.

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